Evening Scentsation F1

PETUNIA x hybrida - FPT639

* Evening Scentsation is the first petunia which earned an AAS regional award for its lovely fragrance and stunning colour * Evening Scentsation's fragrance has notes of hyacinth, sweet honey and rose * As its name implies, Evening Scentsation's fragrance is stronger in the evening hours, and can be experienced throughout the day as well (Scent is perceived differently by each individual)

Fruchtart Pot & Bedding
Artikelcode FPT639
Family Solanaceae
Species x hybrida
Variety Evening Scentsation F1
Colour Lilac
Plant height in cm 10-20
Awards AAS All America Selections
Days to Germinate 5-10
Germination info Light required
Germination Temperature in °C 22-25
Seedcount per gram 10,000-15,000
Division Flowers



Hylke Kroon Zentral- und Osteuropa und Naher Osten