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HilverdaFlorist and Takii join forces to accelerate pot gerbera breeding.

  • Nieuws

HilverdaFlorist and Takii extend their existing relationship with a collaboration on pot gerbera breeding.

HilverdaFlorist and Takii join forces to accelerate pot gerbera breeding.

HilverdaFlorist and Takii extend their existing relationship with a collaboration on pot gerbera breeding. By joining forces, the companies aim to meet customer demand in a rapidly changing pot gerbera market.

Takii successfully runs a pot gerbera breeding program that has led to numerous introductions such as the hybrid Royal series. As the gerbera specialist, HilverdaFlorist is the perfect match for incorporating this breeding program into their breeding location in the Netherlands and driving seed production.

Both family businesses have a long shared history and have been collaborating in other areas. This strategic collaboration is only a logical step and will benefit from the expertise of both sides.

The collaboration is only based on breeding activities and seed production. Sales of the pot gerbera Royal series will continue to be through Takii and the Flori Line and Sundayz exclusively through HilverdaFlorist.

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