Crokii – Not your average cabbage





Crokii – not your average cabbage

Crunchy, fresh & tasty

Experience the crisp that resonates with every bite, the freshness that revitalizes the senses, and the flavour that will keep your customers coming back for more.

A different leafy green

Crokii isn’t your average cabbage; it’s a semi-flat-shaped game-changer. With a leaf texture reminiscent of Iceberg Lettuce – but a more diverse nutrient profile – and a mild cabbage flavour that’s simply exquisite, Crokii stands out on the leafy green market.

A wholesome choice

Crokii offers more than just a flavourful taste; it’s also a health powerhouse. While being incredibly tasty, cabbage brings a wealth of nutrients to the table, making it a nutritious addition to your offerings. A remarkable substitute for monotonous Iceberg Lettuce, Crokii introduces an exciting health dimension and variation.

The zero-waste effect

Beyond its health benefits, Crokii cabbage champions sustainability with a zero-waste impact. Imagine purchasing a single cabbage and unlocking its diverse culinary possibilities. From cooking to grilling and from raw consumption to imaginative creations, every part of Crokii is flavourful. This versatile usage ensures that nothing goes to waste, translating to a conscientious and eco-friendly approach.

Product information

  • White cabbage
  • Semi-flat shaped
  • 70 days maturity in Western Europe
  • 110 days maturity in Southern Europe
  • 90 days average maturity
  • High resistance to Fusarium (Foc)
  • Transplant: August, September, October, November
  • Harvest: January, February, March, April, November, December

Stand out with Crokii’s free branding kit

Elevate your brand presence and create a lasting impression with our exclusive, complimentary branding kit. As a registered trademark with its distinct brand identity, Crokii empowers growers, exporters, and retailers to craft a unique success story and truly set themselves apart. Contact for more information.


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