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Stable growth, exceptional performance: unveiling Takii’s Radar F1 Rootstock in Dutch High-Tech Agriculture

  • Noticias

An extensive trial of Radar F1 introduces tomato growers to one of Takii's promising rootstocks.

In addition to a variety of vegetable seeds, Takii also offers rootstocks in its product lineup. These rootstocks are already well-regarded by growers in Japan and other parts of Europe. Now, high-tech growers in the Netherlands are beginning to recognize their exceptional performance.

Takii has been methodically and cautiously working for years to introduce its rootstocks into the Netherlands’ high-tech cultivation sector. Through a collaboration with a prestigious Dutch cooperative, tomato growers have been conducting successful trials with Takii’s Radar F1 rootstock for three years. Due to its exceptional performance, an expanded trial of Radar F1 is being undertaken to gather additional data and acquaint more tomato growers with one of Takii’s promising rootstocks.

Chris Matthijsse, Account & Product Manager at Takii Europe, will oversee the trial scheduled for 2024 at Delphy. Growers are encouraged to observe this trial and are also invited to conduct a parallel trial within their own greenhouses.

Stable growth, even as light levels drop

What will growers experience? “What they will see is a rootstock that shows stability throughout its growth cycle,” Chris emphasizes. “This is in line with our observations and the intentional direction of our breeding efforts. The Radar F1 is bred to maintain stability: beginning steadily, ascending consistently to its peak in cultivation, and crucially, descending steadily as well when the light intensity decreases.”

In the diminishing light of October and November, compared to other rootstocks on the market, Chris notes that Radar F1 maintains a more stable performance. “Even as the light levels drop exponentially, the yield decreases only gradually, which we attribute to the resilience of the rootstock.

Trials with Radar F1 initiated three years ago in high-tech Dutch tomato cultivation have yielded surprising results, Chris observes. “Radar consistently ranks within the top three rootstocks,” he adds, referencing various growth performance charts.

Vegetative and open

Unlike cultivated varieties, numerous new varieties do not emerge annually in the rootstock market. This makes the steady market introduction of the Takii rootstock into high-tech tomato cultivation in the Netherlands already notable.

Even more remarkable, however, are the performances. Based on feedback from growers, Takii hears that the crop is vegetative and ‘very open’. “This means an advantage for photosynthesis,” Chris emphasizes. “Radar particularly proves itself also at the end of the cultivation.”

Trial 2024 at Delphy

In the 2024 trial at Delphy, Takii is primarily focusing on tomatoes with Radar F1, though this rootstock is also suitable for high-tech eggplant cultivation. The company is also exploring the potential of new rootstocks for high-tech cucumber crops.

Currently, the emphasis is on tomatoes and the trial at Delphy. In January, a non-illuminated trial is set up to compare Radar F1 with two other Takii rootstocks and a benchmark rootstock.

As Chris anticipates, a cultivated variety with a large cluster weight (130-150 grams) will be grafted onto Radar F1 for this trial. Growers have already tested this combination. The selection of an additional variety, possibly one resistant to ToBRFV, is still under consideration.

Given the infrequency of new rootstock introductions in the market, the promising results from these trials have prompted growers to stay alert to developments involving Radar F1 and other rootstocks. Chris notes, “There’s a clear demand in the market for a broader selection of rootstocks, and we’re responding to that need.”


Discover the potential of Radar F1 for yourself – schedule an exclusive trial visit with Chris

To schedule your visit or for more information, please contact:


Chris Matthijsse


Author: Thijmen Tiersma
© GroentenNieuws.nl
Source: Onderstammen Takii worden ontdekt in hightech teelt

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