Sunrich F1 Orange

HELIANTHUS annuus - FHM512

'Sunrich' Helianthus varieties are renowned for their superb quality and leading status in the market, trusted by growers worldwide. With pollenless, densely petaled, long-lasting blooms and sturdy stems, 'Sunrich' sunflowers are favoured not only by growers but also by florists. The classic ‘Sunrich’ series, containing varieties in shades of orange, gold, and lemon, flowers in 70-120 days after sowing, depending on growing conditions and areas. Also available as DMR.

Ürün türü Cut Flowers
Ürün Kodu FHM512
Common Name Sunflower
Family Asteraceae
Species annuus
Series Sunrich F1
çeşitlilik Orange
Colour Orange
Plant height in cm 130-190
Days to Germinate 4-6
Germination Temperature in °C 18-20
Seedcount per gram 15-25
VBN code 12156
Division Flowers




Sander van der Meer Kuzeybatı Avrupa, Afrika